Friday, November 12, 2010

The word of the day is . . . "Cat."

Today, a friend and I had planned to do a photo scavenger hunt.  Unfortunately, she wasn't feeling well this morning so we didn't get to do it (yet).  I realize that I've been really lacking in the blogging department lately, so I decided that I would draw a word out of the hat (actually it's a McDonald's Happy Meal Halloween bucket - just in case you wanted the whole truth), and I would just run with that theme.  The word I drew was "cat." 

First off, I found Bowser.  I think he is a beautiful cat -  I love his white markings.

Next, was Oliver.  He's so fluffy, many people say he reminds them of a fox, but he reminds me of a lion.

Then of course, Oswald.  I think his whiskers are amazing.

I have a friend who is TERRIFIED of cats.  (I'm not exaggerating - she can barely look at them.)  She is scared of cats like I'm afraid of spiders, or people are afraid of snakes or mice.  She says it's because of their eyes.  I think cats have beautiful, intense eyes and the colours are amazing.  But, that's just my opinion of course:-)

While I'm being completely honest, I should tell you that I did have a little help from my personal assistant today.  Thank-you very much to my cat-crazed little girl for all of your help:)

I should also mention - there ARE other words in the bucket that are not animal related.  I thought it was funny that I pulled out "cat" the first time:)  Really, there are only 3 animals out of 24 words.  I'm planning to do a new word tomorrow!

Have a great weekend everyone!



  1. I love the tail and feet pictures!!! And the one of Kayley is fabulous. I'm so sad I didn't come out!!!

  2. LOVE the paw photo!! And Kayley of course...gorgeous girl!
