Monday, October 11, 2010

Bentley & Lily

I got to shoot Bentley & Lily back in June, but I didn't have a blog then, so I didn't get to really share them:)  I thought that today might be fitting to share some of their shoot with you, as I hear that Lily has to go in for surgery on her leg tomorrow. 

Bentley is definitely his Daddy's boy:)  He couldn't have cared less about what I was doing, as long as he knew where Dad was!

Lily is such a sweet little girl.  If I remember correctly, she was about 4 months old when we did these photos.  I've seen her once since then, at the Humane Society's Dog Jog, and she has really grown up (at least in body!).  She was is a total ham - she LOVES the camera.  She was a fantastic little model!

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow Lily!  I hope that everything goes well, and you'll be back tearing up the dog park in no time!

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving weekend!



  1. Lily is sooo cute! I love how little she looks next to her big brother.

  2. Awe!! I just can't get enough of these pictures!! I guess that is why I have them all over the house, lol! Thanks for the well wishes! Lily is probably in surgery right this minute...I'm very anxious. I will let you know how it goes! We told Bentley to keep his paws crossed for his little sister today!
